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Persecution of the organizers of Freedom Day-2024

Deputy Head of the United Transitional Cabinet Pavel Latushka commented on the statement of the Investigative Committee of the regime on the persecution of the organizers of Freedom Day-2024

"There are no legal grounds for prosecution, let alone confiscation of property. All those who may become victims of the regime's actions will be able to return their property after the transition of power and receive compensation for the illegal actions of Lukashenko's allies. And those who initiate and implement these measures will be held accountable. And the regime understands this. Why do it, then?

Pay attention to the timing. Almost 4 years have passed since the 2020 elections, which Lukashenko lost. He tried to keep power by force. But in a few days, on May 25-27, there will be elections to the Coordination Council, which poses a threat to the regime. And the purpose of this provocation is to try to reduce the turnout for these elections. 

They feel threatened by the strengthening of democratic forces and try to demotivate Belarusians.

But they do not take into account an important detail: the actions of the Investigative Committee and other punitive bodies of Lukashenko only further radicalize Belarusian society, the majority of which in 2020 told Lukashenko everything that he still cannot understand. Now the penal authorities are trying to deprive Belarusians abroad of what was a deterrent factor for some. There is only one conclusion: no one makes such a contribution to the radicalization of Belarusians as the regime itself.

Only a weak person – and that is what Lukashenko is – can exert pressure, repression, and bring to criminal responsibility defenseless people, who are our mothers and fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers, brothers and sisters.

We will continue to fight to bring Lukashenko and his accomplices to international criminal responsibility. We have already managed to obtain 6 warrants for the arrest of the executioners of the regime, first of all the heads of Akrestina and Zhodina prisons; The KGB and GUBAZIK are recognized by the Senate of the Czech Republic and the Seimas of Lithuania as organizations sponsoring terrorism. We will continue this work so that all criminals understand that accountability is inevitable. And democracy in Belarus will win only when this responsibility comes."


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