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Who is the real traitor of the state?

There are special dates in our history. One of them is July 27th. Until 1996 Belarusians celebrated Independence Day on this day. On July 27, 1990, the choice of the Belarusian people, thanks to the efforts of the deputies of the Supreme Council, was confirmed by the adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty, which was supposed to confirm the independence of Belarus as a state.

The emergence of an independent Belarusian state is a moment that I experienced personally. I remember that day well, when in my youth I stood on Independence Square, waiting for a fateful decision to be made. I also remember well the last rally before my first foreign business trip as Vice-Consul of Belarus in Bialystok. Then, on July 27, 1996, I remember a column with white-red-white flags that passed through the capital Nemiga.

33 years after this fateful event, Belarusian sovereignty faced an acute crisis: national symbols with a thousand-year history were banned, the use of the Belarusian language was eradicated, more than 140 figures of Belarusian culture were imprisoned (source: data of the Belarusian Council of Culture - BRR website ).

Treason to the state is one of the "mandatory" articles of the Criminal Code, according to which Belarusian cultural figures are judged - those people who contributed to the preservation of our national heritage. The Lukashenka regime considers such people personal enemies, and the puppet courts impose huge sentences on trumped-up cases of high treason. But it is Lukashenka's regime that betrays the country, betrays the Belarusian people and Belarusian culture. After all, the real betrayal of the country is the eradication of the Belarusian language. Tens of thousands of political prisoners and thousands of political prisoners is a real betrayal of the people. The real betrayal of the state is trading in sovereignty.

Today, the main task for us is to preserve the independence of Belarus. And today it is clear that the main threat to him is the Lukashenka regime. Today, Russian troops and a foreign military campaign are based in the country, monuments to cultural figures are demolished by the regime, Belarusian-language bookstores are closed, the people's cry "Long live Belarus!" recognized by the Nazi regime. But at the same time, the self-proclaimed dictator travels to Moscow with reports and allows the use of the territory of Belarus for military purposes. So who is the real traitor to the state? In the interests of which state is the dictator playing?

Lukashenko lives only for the moment, thinks only about his own ambitions, the purpose of which is to maintain power and avoid punishment for the crimes committed. To ensure the viability of the system, he is ready to enter into an alliance with Russia on any terms. In exchange for such support, he willingly pays off the basic elements of the state - sovereignty and independence. He, a real traitor to the state, is ready to do anything to avoid punishment for his crimes. But power cannot be eternal. Soon his time will come to an end, and all real traitors to the state will be punished accordingly.

The regime is doing everything to deprive us of its own, Belarusian, trying to transfer the country to the cultural, economic and political tracks of a foreign state - Russia. But while Lukashenka is getting rid of everything national, Belarusian culture is developing abroad. On July 22, the Museum of Free Belarus, opened in Warsaw with the support of the People's Anti-Crisis Administration, celebrated the year of work. Festivals of Belarusian culture and tours of Belarusian theaters abroad are held, the work of Belarusian publishing houses at home continues.

Belarusian statehood is impossible without the preservation of Belarusian identity and culture. After all, our heritage is our identity. And it is the relationship with her that best shows who the real traitor of the state is. July 27, 1990 is one of the fateful dates in the history of Belarus. Remembering this day, we remember that the responsibility for maintaining Belarusian independence today lies only with us, Belarusians.


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