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We Belarusians are against the war!

Appeal of the National Anti-Crisis Management on the threat to the independence of the Republic of Belarus

The Lukashenka regime has lost control over the territory of Belarus. Before our eyes, the process of destruction of the state is taking place, the responsibility for which lies with the dictatorial regime of Lukashenka. His decision to deploy Russian troops in Belarus is illegal due to the loss of legitimacy from November 5, 2020 and the right to make any domestic and foreign policy decisions.

In addition, the deployment of a group of troops of the Russian Federation creates a real threat to the territorial integrity and independence of the Republic of Belarus.

The actions of the regime, which made it possible to increase the presence of the Russian military contingent in our country, created the preconditions for an act of aggression against Ukraine from the territory of Belarus. And this can cause catastrophic damage to relations between the Belarusian and Ukrainian peoples.

The National Anti-Crisis Management declares the inadmissibility of military aggression from the territory of Belarus. And in this regard, we call on the democracies of the world:

  • Declare non-recognition of Lukashenka, as France and the European Parliament and other states of the world have already done.

  • Use all possible instruments of national and universal jurisdiction to bring Lukashenka to justice for the genocide of the Belarusian people, torture, an act of air piracy, hybrid aggression against the EU, as well as an attempt to wage an aggressive war.

  • Expand sanctions, including against the military-industrial complex, by banning the supply of weapons and dual-use goods both from Belarus and to Belarus, and also provide for other effective instruments of accountability for the regime and related businesses.

We also appeal to the command of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus. Troops of another state are illegally stationed on the territory of our Motherland. Allegedly defensive exercises carried out with the use of offensive weapons are creating unprecedented tension in the region. Any provocation can become a pretext for transferring the economic and social life of Belarus to a military footing.

Refuse to carry out criminal orders, demand that the Russian military leave the territory of the Republic of Belarus. Remember that you took an oath of allegiance to the Belarusian people.


In his fanatical desire to retain power, Lukashenka is ready to unleash, if not a war, then an armed conflict with neighboring states and create a hotbed of regional instability for an indefinite period. For the implementation of his crazy plan, Lukashenka will pay with the lives of our relatives and friends.

The introduction of martial law and mobilization on the territory of Belarus will entail a total restriction of economic and civil rights: a curfew, irregular working hours, withdrawal of deposits, personal property, vehicles, housing. There will be an allegedly legal possibility of expropriation of enterprises and businesses.

Demand that the command of the Armed Forces stop the exercises and withdraw troops from the borders with neighboring states, demand that your children return home alive.

The National Anti-Crisis Management declares countering a possible armed conflict as its main current task, but only free and peaceful Belarusians, military personnel, mothers and fathers are able to prevent a catastrophe in Belarus.

We Belarusians are against the war!


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