The commission includes representatives of the Ministry of Sport, the National Olympic and Paralympic Committees of Poland, the United Transitional Cabinet of Belarus and the National Anti-Crisis Management. It is planned that the commission will meet once a month.
At the first meeting of the commission chaired by the First Deputy Minister of Sport and Tourism of Poland Ireneusz Ras and with the participation of the Deputy Head of the Cabinet Pavel Latushka, the issues of supporting Belarusian dissident athletes were raised.
They discussed:
cooperation on possible admission of Belarusian dissident athletes in athletics and biathlon to the qualification competitions of the 2024 Olympics and the 2026 Olympics.
possibilities of financial and technical support of Belarusian athletes in the training process at the expense of scholarships of the Ministry and Olympic Solidarity in Poland.
issues of verification of Belarusian athletes in accordance with the recommendations of the International Olympic Committee to exclude the possibility of participation of Lukashenko's officials and pro-regime athletes in international competitions, first of all in the Olympics-2024 in Paris.
Chairman of the National Paralympic Committee of Poland Lukasz Szeliga expressed readiness to assist the Belarusian Paralympians, who suffered from repression, and to promote the issue of bringing Aleksei Talai to responsibility within the framework of sports law for participation in a war crime and damaging the reputation of the Olympic movement.
The Commission is open to suggestions from Belarusian athletes and sports professionals who have faced discrimination or have relevant information. You can send suggestions to the NAM chatbot: @nau_by_bot