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Resolution of Participants of the Rally and March in Warsaw on November 1, 2023

We, the participants of the rally and march in Warsaw on November 1, 2023, including representatives of the United Transitional Cabinet of Belarus, National Anti-Crisis Management, "Belarusians of Warsaw" initiative, and other Belarusian organizations and initiatives, hereby adopt the following resolution:

Taking into account the following:

  1. The data provided by the human rights defender's center "Spring," which officially recognizes 1472 people as political prisoners in Belarus as of today.

  2. The report "Crimes against Humanity in Belarus" prepared by the Justice Hub center of law and democracy with the support of the National Anti-Crisis Management, which states that no less than 136,000 individuals have become victims of crimes against humanity in Belarus from May 2020 to May 2023.

  3. The resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe dated April 27, 2023, titled "Deportations and Forcible Transfers of Ukrainian Children and Other Civilians to the Russian Federation or to Ukrainian Territories Temporarily Occupied," which confirms the involvement of the Lukashenko regime and the dictator personally in the illegal transfer of Ukrainian children from the occupied Ukrainian territories to Belarus.

  4. The resolution of the European Parliament dated September 13, 2023, titled "On Relations with Belarus," which calls on EU institutions and states to take measures to hold representatives of the Lukashenko regime responsible for aggression against Ukraine, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. It also states that Lukashenko is personally involved in these crimes, including the illegal transfer of over 2150 children from the occupied Ukrainian territories to so-called recreation camps in Belarus. The resolution further calls upon the International Criminal Court in The Hague to issue an arrest warrant for Aleksander Lukashenko.

We hereby urge:

  1. The citizen Aleksander Lukashenko and his accomplices to be brought to criminal responsibility for the crimes they have committed, including crimes against humanity against the Belarusian people, the crime of aggression against Ukraine, and war crimes, including the illegal displacement and re-education of Ukrainian children.

  2. The mechanisms of the International Criminal Court, universal and national jurisdiction, and a special tribunal on Belarus to be engaged with the aim of holding representatives of the Lukashenko regime, including the dictator himself, accountable for their crimes.

  3. The International Criminal Court to issue an international arrest warrant for Aleksander Lukashenko.

  4. The possibility of dialogue with Lukashenko personally to be excluded.

  5. The continuation and expansion of international pressure on the Lukashenko regime, including the imposition of sanctions, until the following conditions are met:

    • The release of all Belarusian men and women who have been illegally deprived of their liberty for political reasons, without any exceptions.

    • The complete and final cessation of repression, violence, and crimes against humanity in Belarus.

    • The holding of democratic elections without the participation of Aleksander Lukashenko and individuals involved in crimes, with the aim of resolving the systemic political crisis, guaranteeing the preservation of the independence and sovereignty of Belarus, and ending Russia's influence over our state.

We intend to send this resolution to the governments of the member states of the European Union, the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and the European Commission.

Unanimously adopted by the general meeting of participants Warsaw, November 1, 2023


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