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"Not a cent for the war!"

7 international companies have officially confirmed the suspension of their activities in Belarus along with Russia in the NAM’s "Not a cent to war" campaign

At the moment we have already sent more than 100 letters to international companies and also an open letter with an appeal to temporarily suspend our activities in Belarus and to stop funding the puppet government of military aggressor Lukashenko.

So, apart from the businesses that left Belarus at the very beginning of the war, already during our campaign we received confirmation of similar measures from another 7 companies from our list: Bosch, Cisco, Amazon, Geberit Group, Imperial Brands, Maersk and Epson.

This is already a good result, but we will not stop there. Again, we urge you to support the NAM campaign by reaching out to businesses on social media.


1. Copy any of the texts below:

Stop funding the war against Ukraine! Lukashenko’s regime is exactly the same aggressor as Russia. Suspend your activities in Belarus, as you already did in Russia.

Support Ukraine’s struggle against Putin and Lukashenko aggression — pause your business in Belarus as well! Not a cent for the war against Ukraine!

Good to know you’ve left Russian market! Yet leaving Russia but staying in Belarus, your company leaves the aggressors a loophole. They can still use your taxes for the war. Lukashenko is an aggressor too and he’s controlled by Putin!

Lukashenko is Putin’s accomplice in the war against Ukraine. You’ve left the Russian market, but you continue to pay Lukashenko in Belarus. Stop doing business with both murderers!

2. Put it in the comments of the brands from the list: list of brands.

3. You can also use our sample letter to send an email: sample letter.

Only together can we stop the war and the occupation!


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