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Lukashenko is involving Belarusians in an international crime

Pavel Latushka: Deputy Head of the United Transitional Cabinet of Belarus, Head of the People's Anti-Crisis Management, Ambassador

Every person has the right to happiness, especially a child. Today, thousands of children from the occupied territories of Ukraine are being forcibly brought to Belarus. They are essentially being torn away from their environment: their people, culture, and language.

Being forcibly displaced, deported, and growing up among strangers in a foreign culture is a profound trauma that will haunt a child for life. The longer it lasts, the more serious the consequences for the child.

This is why Ukraine is actively searching for its underage citizens who have been illegally taken to Belarus. Whether we want it or not, the Lukashenko regime is committing these crimes in the name of our state. Therefore, as citizens of Belarus, we see it as our duty to help Ukraine return its children home and restore justice.

The National Anti-Crisis Management (NAM) continues to collect evidence for the International Criminal Court, proving the involvement of Lukashenko's regime representatives in the illegal relocation of Ukrainian children to Belarus.

As the head of the NAM, in April, I met with Mykola Kuleba, the former Commissioner of the President of Ukraine for Children's Rights and the leader and founder of the "Save Ukraine" organization, to discuss facilitating the return of Ukrainian children to their homeland, as well as gathering and transmitting information on the whereabouts of children illegally taken from Ukraine to Belarus.

It is crucial to understand that it is Lukashenko who is unlawfully relocating Ukrainian children to Belarus. However, anyone involved in this will also be criminally liable for these offenses. Ukraine will not forgive crimes against its children, and the international community will not tolerate such acts. Those responsible will always live in fear of criminal prosecution worldwide.

The only way to avoid responsibility is to assist in returning these children to their homeland, under the care of their own state.

I appeal to Belarusians to help find information about:

  • The whereabouts of any Ukrainian children in Belarus without their parents, including orphans;

  • The families they are with;

  • The movement of Ukrainian children within Belarus;

  • Individuals involved in their illegal relocation;

  • The treatment of these children;

  • Any other information related to the illegal relocation of Ukrainian children to Belarus.

Lukashenko has already involved and continues to involve ordinary Belarusians in his numerous criminal actions. It is becoming increasingly difficult for the country’s population to distance themselves from the actions of a malicious dictator who despises Belarusians and humanity as a whole.

But the war will inevitably end. The time of Lukashenko will inevitably end as well. And we, Belarusians, will have to continue living and looking each other and our neighbors—the Ukrainians—in the eye. What will our gaze be like and what gaze will we receive in return? It is up to us to decide.

Small actions by each person can lead to significant changes. Let  all make an effort so that the children who have become victims of this war crime can still have a future. In their homeland, Ukraine. And our children, our Belarusian children, can be proud of us and be by our side.



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