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Lukashenka is blackmailing Switzerland

Three questions from Pavel Latushka to the head of the Swiss Foreign Ministry in connection with the appointment of a new ambassador to Belarus and the situation with political prisoner Natalia Hershe

On December 30, Swiss political prisoner Natalya Hershe went on a hunger strike in Mogilev prison. On January 31, we learned that Switzerland is sending a new ambassador to Belarus, Christine Honegger-Zolotukhin, who will present her credentials to Lukashenka.

In this regard, we have three important questions for Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis:

1) Was any progress made in protecting Natalia Hershe by the previous ambassador, Claude Altermatt? And what steps does the Swiss Foreign Ministry plan to take in this direction with the appointment of a new ambassador?

2) Do you realize that your citizen is being held hostage by Lukashenka, who is torturing her for the sole purpose of blackmailing her to gain her own recognition in the international arena, having received her credentials from the ambassador of a European country? Do you understand that these certificates will be presented not to the head of state, but to a terrorist?

3) Do you know the position of Natalia Hershe herself — does your citizen support the presentation of credentials to the terrorist Lukashenka, towards whom she expressed her attitude clearly and clearly?

A little over a month ago, Switzerland supported EU sanctions against the Lukashenka regime. Now the state is ready to recognize this regime, actually turning a blind eye to its lawlessness and succumbing to its blackmail.

Tell me, Mr. Cassis, by closing one eye now, how long will you keep the other open? And how will you look into the eyes of Natalia Hershe and all Belarusians after that?

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