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International Criminal Tribunal for Lukashenko

Deputy Head of the United Transitional Cabinet of Belarus Pavel Latushka met with Oleksii Honcharenko, MP of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and head of the interfaction group "For Democratic Belarus.

Mr. Latushka informed about the work of the United Transitional Cabinet of Belarus and discussed cooperation between the two countries, including cooperation within the framework of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

Oleksii Honcharenko, Pavel Latushka
Oleksii Honcharenko, Pavel Latushka Source: NAM-media

The politicians also discussed:

— joint efforts of the United Transitional Cabinet of Belarus and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to punish those involved in Russia's aggression against Ukraine through the mechanisms of the International Criminal Tribunal;

— creation of international legal conditions to bring Lukashenko and his accomplices to justice for crimes against humanity (mass repressions, violence, torture of Belarusian citizens) through the PACE mechanisms.

At the end of the meeting Pavel Latushka thanked Oleksii Honcharenko for his active position and support of the Belarusian society in the struggle against Lukashenka's dictatorship.

International tribunal for Lukashenko

Pavel Latushko pro:

  • Is it possible to resume the partisan movement in Belarus?

  • What does the dictator want to show by his actions against the detained guerrillas?

  • Is it still necessary to use diplomatic tools to put pressure on the regime?

  • What is the most important thing for Lukashenko?

  • What is the importance of giving an ultimatum to the dictator?

  • What is Lukashenko very afraid of?

Watch the video above.

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