Today (October 26, 2022) in Bialystok at a meeting of the City Council it was decided to rename the street, where the Consulate General of Belarus in Bialystok is located, to the street Free Belarus. It was also decided to give the ring road the name "Free Ukraine".
In early March this year, Pavel Latushka proposed to the president of Bialystok to rename the street Electric into the street Free Belarus. Many media outlets, including Gazeta Wyborcza, Radio Białystok, Dzień dobry Białystok, Kurier Poranny, Белсат, Мost Media, drew attention to the proposal. Pawel Latushka later raised the issue again at meetings in Bialystok in July.
President of Bialystok Tadeusz Truskalski supported the proposal of the head of the National's Anti-Crisis Management to initiate the renaming of Elektricheskaya Street, where the Consulate General of Belarus in Bialystok is located.
"The renaming of Elektricheskaya street to the street of Free Belarus is a gesture of support and respect for Belarusians who are fighting for freedom. There are more than 1300 political prisoners in the prisons of Lukashenko's regime, including Andrzej Poczobut, activist of the Union of Poles in Belarus," stresses the rationale of the project.
"The renaming of Elektricheskaya Street, where the building of the Consulate General of Belarus in Bialystok is located, to Free Belarus Street and naming the traffic circle Free Ukraine is an important gesture of support, because today the historical events related to the struggle of the two nations for statehood and even for the right to exist are taking place before our eyes. The symbolism of this decision is related to the fact that it is almost impossible to imagine an independent and free Belarus without independent Ukraine," said Pavel Latushka.