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Fixing the war crimes of the regime

If you have witnessed the war crimes of Lukashenka’s puppet government, record and send evidence!

The Office of the General Prosecutor of Ukraine, together with Ukrainian and international partners, has created a resource for proper documentation of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Russian army in Ukraine.

These crimes would not have been possible without the support of the command of the Armed Forces of Belarus. Each plane taking off from Belarusian airfields, each rocket fired from the territory of Belarus, each column of equipment escorted by the security forces of the regime is an independent episode of one big criminal case on the fact of waging an aggressive war. And each such episode has its performers and accomplices.

The National Anti-Crisis Management calls on Belarusians who have information about specific officials involved in the logistics and organizational support of the Russian army on the territory of Belarus, maintenance of the aggressor’s equipment and other assistance to the occupier, to report this to the Ukrainian authorities.

To capture a war crime on a platform:

1. Leave information about yourself (it is under reliable protection).

Enter your full name, date of birth, email address and communication channel. Since Belarusians do not have a Ukrainian phone number, enter ten arbitrary digits in the appropriate field!

2. Specify the date of the crime.

3. Select the place of the crime (the location of the equipment of the Russian occupiers on the territory of Belarus; the point from which the rocket was launched; the airfield from which Russian planes take off);

4. Select "other" and describe the violations, indicating the exact location and all the details (here the most important information is about the Belarusian officials involved in the crime: facility guards, air traffic controllers, traffic police officers, the command under whose leadership the Belarusian conscripts launder Russian equipment from the consequences of battles);

5. Upload a photo or video.

Documented evidence will be used to prosecute those involved in crimes in accordance with Ukrainian law, as well as in the International Criminal Court in The Hague and in a special tribunal after its establishment.

The NAM is convinced that not only Russian war criminals, but also their accomplices, who, unfortunately, are holders of Belarusian passports, should be in the dock.


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