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Complaint against Lukashenka to The Hague

Lawyer Tomasz Wilinski, with the support of the NAM, filed a complaint against Lukashenka and his accomplices to the International Criminal Court in The Hague

At the end of December, Warsaw lawyer Tomasz Wilinski filed a statement with the National Prosecutor’s Office of Poland on suspicion of genocide and crimes against humanity committed by citizen Alexander Lukashenko and his accomplices.

As planned, a Polish lawyer, with the support of human rights organizations and the National Anti-Crisis Management, is filing a similar application with the International Criminal Court in The Hague. The application contains 160 pages of legal reasoning and 40,000 pages of documents in an appendix. The application was submitted on behalf of a large number of citizens of Belarus, including Pavel Latushka.

In a statement, Vilinski’s law firm calls on the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague to open an investigation. The suspects in the statement are citizen Alexander Lukashenka, Ivan Tertel, Nikolai Karpenkov and other representatives of various Belarusian law enforcement agencies controlled by the dictator.

Head of the NAM Pavel Latushka noted:

“This is an important statement, which, together with other tools, should push the leadership of various countries to more active legal actions: to submit applications to the International Court of Justice on behalf of governments, to put suspects on the wanted list under universal jurisdiction, and others. Even before the verdict is passed, the International Criminal Court, after analyzing the submitted materials, has the right to issue an arrest warrant and put the regime’s representatives on the Interpol wanted list.”

The National Anti-Crisis Management thanks Tomasz Wilinski for his contribution to the struggle of Belarusians for freedom and democracy in Belarus.

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