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Belarus is being murdered right in front of your eyes

Do you know what the situation in Belarus is like? – I ask our European, civilized partners and neighbors. Your neighbor Belarus is being murdered right in front of your eyes.

Just imagine that every day, for not even months, but years, you hear screams of violence from the neighboring apartment in the stairwell. Every day your alcoholic neighbor beats his wife half to death. You are uncomfortable hearing these cries, but you do nothing. After all, it's their internal business, it's not your family. 

And then one night the screaming suddenly stops. There is a deathly silence. Because he, your neighbor, in a drunken rage, has beaten his wife to death. There is no more screaming. But can you sleep well now, knowing that for years right outside your wall a person was brutally beaten and eventually murdered, and you did nothing to stop it?

This is exactly what is happening today to your neighboring country – Belarus. This is literally what the Lukashenko regime is doing to the Belarusians. They are still screaming. Their screams are getting quieter every day, but they're still screaming. Are you uncomfortable? Would you like these screams to stop? They will stop.

The only question is whether you will do anything to stop the murderer, or whether you’ll just wait for a while until there’s simply no one left to scream from behind the wall into the void.


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