"It is extremely important that Poland and other democratic countries support Lithuania's efforts by exercising their right under Article 14 of the Rome Statute. Let justice prevail over impunity. This is what the majority of Belarusians want. This is what unites us — the desire for justice", stated Pavel Latushka, Deputy Head of the United Transitional Cabinet and delegate of the Coordination Council of Belarus, during a meeting with Marshal of the Polish Senate, Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska.
On October 8, Pavel Latushka and Speaker of the Coordination Council, Anzhelika Melnikova, met with Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska. Also present at the meeting were Grzegorz Schetyna, Chairman of the Senate's Foreign Affairs Committee, and Robert Tyszkiewicz, Coordinator for Polonia and Poles Abroad in the Senate.
During the meeting, Pavel Latushka and Anzhelika Melnikova provided the Polish side with detailed information about the activities of the Coordination Council and the United Transitional Cabinet of Belarus.
Pavel Latushka raised the issue of Poland's support for Lithuania's appeal to the International Criminal Court regarding cross-border crimes against humanity committed by Lukashenko's regime, including those on Polish territory. It was noted that such support could be significant during Poland’s presidency of the EU.
Pavel Latushka also cited examples of ongoing repression in Belarus, reporting that on October 8 alone, the Belarusian Investigative Committee opened criminal cases against 45 people, including members of the Coordination Council, who are accused of allegedly attempting to seize power.
During the meeting, Marshal of the Senate, Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska, emphasized the importance of the active work of the parliamentary group in Poland supporting an independent and democratic Belarus. Grzegorz Schetyna, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, noted that Poland's presidency of the EU would be a good opportunity to demonstrate support for democratic forces and the democratic aspirations of Belarusians. "We are strong supporters of your activities. We will show that it is worth supporting the fight for your sovereignty. We will remind everyone that there is a country in Europe that is deeply undemocratic, where people are imprisoned for their beliefs," Schetyna stated.
Robert Tyszkiewicz, Coordinator for Polonia and Poles Abroad, stressed the importance of showing that Poland’s support for democratic Belarus is not a one-off approach but a systematic one, encompassing political, cultural, economic, and other areas, while also highlighting the importance of presenting a European perspective for Belarus.
The prospects of democratic forces from Belarus participating in the EU's Eastern Partnership initiative were also discussed.
Pavel Latushka and Anzhelika Melnikova proposed holding hearings and discussions in the Polish Senate dedicated to the situation in Belarus, in connection with the mass human rights violations, as well as fostering cooperation between the committees and working groups of the Coordination Council of Belarus and the Polish Senate. Representatives of the Polish Senate expressed interest in considering the possibility of holding a conference in the Polish Parliament on the Belarusian issue, ahead of Poland's EU presidency.
"Poland is a leader among our partners supporting a democratic Belarus and a leading country in the EU in shaping EU policy towards Belarus. Poland has consistently shown solidarity with the Belarusian people in our aspiration for an independent, democratic, and European Belarus", Pavel Latushka emphasized.