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Expert Opinion

Деньги на войну, а не на жизнь
Lukashenko Lends to Russia While Belarus Drowns – Kallaur’s Resignation as a Symptom of Crisis

Prices in Belarus Must Freeze
What lies behind this loud directive? Is Belarus really facing an economic breakthrough?

Lukashenko is Driving Belarusians into a Collective Farm
What does "de-urbanization" mean according to Lukashenko? And how is his regime similar to the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia?

Lukashenko and Cuba – Waging a Covert War Against the United States
How Will the U.S. React to This Cooperation, and What Consequences Await Lukashenko?

Lukashenko Contemplates Death
Lukashenko wants to preserve his political "course" even after his departure or death

Lukashenko's Regime – Part of the World "Axis of Evil"
How Can the West Counteract Lukashenko’s Cooperation with Iran?
Top News

Деньги на войну, а не на жизнь
Lukashenko Lends to Russia While Belarus Drowns – Kallaur’s Resignation as a Symptom of Crisis

Over 48,000 Belarusian Citizens Applied for Legalization of Their Stay in Poland in 2024
The working group created by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration of Poland, dealing with the legalization of Belarusians

It is important that the perspective of a democratic and independent Belarus is included in Europe’s security strategy
Achieving the goal of a future democratic Belarus was the main topic of discussion during a meeting between Deputy Head of the Cabinet

Prices in Belarus Must Freeze
What lies behind this loud directive? Is Belarus really facing an economic breakthrough?

Lukashenko is Driving Belarusians into a Collective Farm
What does "de-urbanization" mean according to Lukashenko? And how is his regime similar to the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia?

Russia’s Military Border Has Moved Closer to NATO Borders
The Treaty between the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation on Security Guarantees within the Union State

Pavel Latushka Holds Consultations with EU Member State Ambassadors Accredited in Warsaw
In recent days, the Deputy Head of the Cabinet has held meetings with the ambassadors of Latvia, Lithuania, and France

Lukashenko and Cuba – Waging a Covert War Against the United States
How Will the U.S. React to This Cooperation, and What Consequences Await Lukashenko?

Lukashenko Contemplates Death
Lukashenko wants to preserve his political "course" even after his departure or death
News of the United Transitional Cabinet

Over 48,000 Belarusian Citizens Applied for Legalization of Their Stay in Poland in 2024
The working group created by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration of Poland, dealing with the legalization of Belarusians

It is important that the perspective of a democratic and independent Belarus is included in Europe’s security strategy
Achieving the goal of a future democratic Belarus was the main topic of discussion during a meeting between Deputy Head of the Cabinet

Pavel Latushka Holds Consultations with EU Member State Ambassadors Accredited in Warsaw
In recent days, the Deputy Head of the Cabinet has held meetings with the ambassadors of Latvia, Lithuania, and France
Society and Culture

The Belarusian minority and the Belarusian diaspora in Poland are united primarily by their Belarusian identity
Pavel Latushka visited the Museum and Center of Belarusian Culture in Hajnówka, which was established over 40 years ago

The preservation of the Belarusian language and culture by the Belarusian minority in Poland is an exemplary model for us, Belarusians
The maintenance of the Belarusian language and culture by the Belarusian minority in Poland, as well as the honoring of their roots, serves

Council of Europe publishes guide on helping Belarusians in exile
The Council of Europe has published a practical guide that aims to help European parliamentarians and politicians provide support to Belarus

16 graduates received diplomas for completing the diplomatic program
The Polish Ministry of FA hosted the official graduation ceremony for the fourth cohort of the program "New Cadres for a New Belarus"

The exhibition of Ales Pushkin in Warsaw
Exhibits created from the media artifacts, documents, and original video works from the archive of artist Ales Pushkin

Supporting Belarusian Actors in Exile
During a working meeting between Pavel Latushka, leader of the "Latushka’s Team and the Movement For Freedom" faction
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